Ecosystem Building is... (part 2)

Hello Reader,

... and a good morning from the cold but sunny mountains of Virginia!

I recently joined Debbie Irwin and her team to help strengthen the regional ecosystem for women and BIPOC entrepreneurs as Head of Programs at the Shenandoah Community Capital Fund. Over the course of the next two years, our plan is to build capacity of local support organizations, build ecosystems within these rural communities and devise a regional outreach and storytelling strategy for the entire Valley.

I know what you're thinking: This sounds too good to be true. And I couldn't agree more! In between seasons of Ecosystems for Change, I'll give you a peek behind the scenes of my work here in the Shenandoah Valley.

Stay tuned!

The role of the connector

Charlton Cunningham talks about what growing up as an army brat taught him about building trusting relationships in ecosystems.

From Goldman Sachs to ecosystem builder

Denisse Rodriguez connects entrepreneurial support organizations all across Puerto Rico: We talked about diaspora, metrics & nurturing talent.

Each episode of Ecosystems for Change is rich with resources, book recommendations and events. Check out the show notes for each episode for a complete list. Here are some highlights:

In camaraderie,


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Anika Horn

I'm an ecosystem builder for social change. I love telling the stories of systemic changemakers around the world who make their communities a better place to live, work and play.

Read more from Anika Horn

Welcome to the 87th issue of Impact Curator! I curate this fortnightly newsletter for all of you who believe in transforming their community by amplifying the impact of the changemakers around them. Was this newsletter forwarded to you? You deserve your own, sign up here! Afternoon view Hello Reader, Where I live (the beautiful Shenandoah Valley), we are in the final stretch of summer break. My kid returns to school in early August and I'm equal parts sad and excited about this transition....

Welcome to the 86th issue of Impact Curator! I curate this fortnightly newsletter for all of you who believe in transforming their community by amplifying the impact of the changemakers around them. Was this newsletter forwarded to you? You deserve your own, sign up here! Father's Day weekend in D.C. Hello Reader, I currently read more than usual and I spend a lot of time in my head and on the page writing - what a privilege. I feel fortunate to live in a two-income household (until recently)...

Welcome to the 85th issue of Impact Curator! I curate this fortnightly newsletter for all of you who believe in transforming their community by amplifying the impact of the change makers around them. Was this newsletter forwarded to you? You deserve your own, sign up here! I spent most of last week in the mountains north of Asheville, NC Hello Reader, Two weeks ago today, I drove to Harrisonburg to discuss my professional development goals for the next year with my boss. As usual, I hit the...