Emergence is SO uncomfortable!

Hello Reader,

Does this sounds familiar?

For years, I have wondered why goal setting workshops didn't work for me. I had this dreamy vision of my productive, organized, high-achieving self, I had the ambition and East German discipline to get there. Plus I LOVE a good plan! Bonus points for check-off-able tasks and milestones.

And yet, once the initial excitement wore off, I would fall off the wagon. I was entirely focused on the end-result - that dreamy vision of an ambitious goal achieved - but there always seemed to be something that got in the way. An unforeseen obstacle (does anyone ever foresee them, other than my husband?) or a delay would derail the entire operation and I would end up frustrated. My carefully laid plans in shambles, and me - fed up with the futility of goal setting. My approach of picking a goal and reverse engineering a plan to get there didn't work.

In season 2 of Ecosystems for Change, I finally understood why. Life is not command-and-control; it constantly emerges. And changes. And evolves. And throws a stick in the wheel. I've realized that if I want to plan ANYTHING, my plan needs to allow for changes, a shift in priorities and - most importantly - the fact that my goals seem to shift, too! In brief:

1) Emergence makes me deeply uncomfortable.

2) I need a way to set goals and stay on track that doesn't focus on the end goal(s) but anchors me in the present.

That's why I was SO excited to hear that one of my favorite podcasters Tara McMullin - who's one of the brains behind my show - is finally publishing a book that sounds right up my alley! I've used Tara's Commitment Blueprint and have religiously listened to her show What Works.

I have a long list of resources and opportunities on my radar that I think you would love! Check out the highlights here:

In camaraderie,


P.S. Like any of the graphics in this newsletter? Feel free to download and share them with a little tag for @SocialVenturers.

Anika Horn

I'm an ecosystem builder for social change. I love telling the stories of systemic changemakers around the world who make their communities a better place to live, work and play.

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Welcome to the 87th issue of Impact Curator! I curate this fortnightly newsletter for all of you who believe in transforming their community by amplifying the impact of the changemakers around them. Was this newsletter forwarded to you? You deserve your own, sign up here! Afternoon view Hello Reader, Where I live (the beautiful Shenandoah Valley), we are in the final stretch of summer break. My kid returns to school in early August and I'm equal parts sad and excited about this transition....

Welcome to the 86th issue of Impact Curator! I curate this fortnightly newsletter for all of you who believe in transforming their community by amplifying the impact of the changemakers around them. Was this newsletter forwarded to you? You deserve your own, sign up here! Father's Day weekend in D.C. Hello Reader, I currently read more than usual and I spend a lot of time in my head and on the page writing - what a privilege. I feel fortunate to live in a two-income household (until recently)...

Welcome to the 85th issue of Impact Curator! I curate this fortnightly newsletter for all of you who believe in transforming their community by amplifying the impact of the change makers around them. Was this newsletter forwarded to you? You deserve your own, sign up here! I spent most of last week in the mountains north of Asheville, NC Hello Reader, Two weeks ago today, I drove to Harrisonburg to discuss my professional development goals for the next year with my boss. As usual, I hit the...